Monday, August 1, 2011

Title: Is it time for you to get serious about Social Media?

by Bob Haataia, DTM

Bob Haataia, DTM
Social Media is everywhere. Nearly half of all Americans participate in Social Media in one way or another. It's free. It's available on my computer, smart phone, or even through my basic texting plan. Ok. It may be easy to access, but why should I get involved? Most people are aware of being able to keep in touch with friends and family, but did you know you could use Social Media to accelerate your personal growth? Did you know that Social Media can make you a better toastmaster? It's true.

We all want to feel a part of a community. We all need to have relationships. But, with all our obligations, we don't always have the time to connect with others. Wouldn't it be great if we could share our lives with our friends and family and feel connected? Social Media gives you that opportunity. Social Media allows you to share your activities, your pictures, your music, and even videos with your friends and family. It also allows you to interact with your friends and family's activities on-line. Social Media allows us to communicate more effectively with our family, friends, and even our fellow toastmasters.

We all joined Toastmasters to challenge ourselves to become better. Social Media can accelerate that growth. Want to know what John Maxwell's has to say about leadership? Simply follow him on Twitter or Facebook. Want to hear about what's happening in Toastmasters? Simply connect with our District 84 Facebook Fan Page or follow us on Twitter. Want to connect to other like minded individuals who are learning and growing. Seek them out and hear what they have to say in Social Media. Whether it's Facebook, twitter, videos, blogs, or LinkedIn, the experts are out there sharing their knowledge with the world. Are you listening? Are you growing?

As a Toastmaster, we can leverage these free tools in many ways. Do you only talk to your fellow toastmasters at meetings? What about in-between meeting. Social Media and enhance the club communication in-between meetings and enhance your preparation for meetings. As you participate in Social Media it also challenges you in your communication skills. What are you saying? How well are you communicating? How effective are you? It helps you to find your voice in the topics you are passionate about. What is your personal brand? What is your on-line image? Your on-line image will attract new members to your club. Want to see your club grow?

We know Social Media is a way to connect with people. Social Media is being used by family, friends, churches, businesses, celebrities, & people from all walks of life. Social Media can allow you to connect with fellow toastmasters and accelerate your personal growth. Social Media can bring members to your club. What are you waiting for? Let's connect!

Bob is one of the triad of the District 84 Social Media Committee. Mary Carol Holbert and Michael Gregg are the others.

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