Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Create A Better Tomorrow, Through The Mastermind Alliance Principle

by Kevin Trosine, ACG, Area 43 Governor

Napoleon Hill
In today’s fast paced, “have it now” world we often get so caught up in our daily lives that we don’t always take the time to map out our intentions. The good news is that there is a proven system that can help us navigate the hurdles of life while establishing the path towards achieving our desires. The system, to which I’m referring, was developed by Napoleon Hill back in the 1930’s and is called “The Mastermind Alliance Principle.” I’m happy to say that it’s as valid today as it was back then and, thankfully, it’s easy to use.
The Mastermind Alliance Principle, according to Hill, is simply this:
The Mastermind principle consists of an alliance of two or more minds working in perfect harmony for the attainment of a common definite objective.

The first step is to define your objective.
Let’s say, for example, you have the desire to be a more effective communicator and at the same time you would like to learn some critical leadership skills. After sharing this desire with a few people you uncover that there is a place where you can go to learn to effectively communicate, by working with others that have a similar desire. It’s called “Toastmasters International” and it’s available around the world to all that inquire. Toastmasters meetings foster a supportive, encouraging environment where you can enhance your existing strengths and learn new skills by simply taking part in the meetings. They’ll teach you everything you need to know to be more effective, as a communicator, whether you will be speaking to friends, addressing the boardroom or simply getting more involved in meetings and conference calls at your job.

How does the Mastermind Alliance help you with this?
Think of the Toastmaster members as your alliance in expanding your speaking and leadership abilities. All of the members have unique insights and experiences that they will share during your interactions at the club meetings.
For example, let’s say you absolutely dread speaking in public. You’re not alone. In fact, every member of the club, without exception, will have a story to share with you about their first speech called the “Ice Breaker”. In my case, from the moment I signed up for that first speech, my anxiety level was off the charts. Then, the day of my speech had come, my hands were sweating, my knees were knocking and I seriously considered postponing the speech. But because I knew the club would offer unconditional support and encouragement, I somehow mustered up the courage to give that 4-6 minute talk. Because of the support shared within this unique alliance, which wants you to succeed as much as you do, you too will overcome your public speaking jitters.

Let’s get back to the Mastermind alliance principle. Although the focus of this article has been on leveraging a Toastmasters alliance to develop communications and leadership skills, this principle can be used for essentially any desire or goal you have. The key is to get engaged with a group of people that have similar desires. When building your alliance, consider the unique talents of friends, family, coworkers or others that have the skills that could benefit everyone in the alliance. Once you’ve shared your desires and goals with your alliance, establish a regular meeting place and time. Commit to meeting regularly and have a clearly defined objective for each meeting. After a short period of regular gatherings you’ll be amazed at how powerful a mastermind alliance is. You will have learned more than you ever envisioned when you set out on this journey. Much like your Toastmasters alliance, where each member will share his or her unique life experiences, forming an insightful alliance puts you on an accelerated path towards achieving your desires.

For most, if not all of us, happiness is the most powerful element we strive to have more of in our lives. By embracing the mastermind alliance concept you will bring more happiness to your “life experience” while simultaneously moving in the direction of your desires. The mastermind alliance is simply a tool enabling a collaborative approach.

I’ll leave you with this insightful quote from Napoleon Hill which I believe sums up the Mastermind principle perfectly:
No man/woman can become a permanent success without taking others along with him/her.

Life is about realizing happiness, and happiness is more easily attained with the help of others. Start your mastermind alliance today, and you’ll be on your way to a better tomorrow.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Thoughts From Our District Governor (April 2013) — Are You Growing...?

by Dennis E. Wooldridge, DTM, District 84 Governor

Dennis Wooldridge, DTM
Growing up, most of the kids I knew had fathers who worked blue collar jobs. My Dad was a millwright in the Ford Motor Company plant in Hazelwood, Missouri. Millwrights are the people who install, dismantle, repair, reassemble, and move machinery in factories, power plants, and construction sites. He worked very hard for a living, and thanks to the unions to which he belonged, it was a very good living. We weren’t rich, but we really didn’t lack for anything either. I remember talking to my Dad in his later years about looking back, what he would have done differently. “Not much,” he replied, “although I would have liked to have had more education so I could communicate better. I might have gone further in my job if I did.” He used to say they had to burn down the schoolhouse to get him out of the third grade. Now, considering he was the son of a sharecropper, I think he did quite well. A tour in the South Pacific during WWII, a career at a job he enjoyed culminating into a very comfortable retirement. However, I think his assessment was probably correct.

The ability to communicate effectively is the most important skill we can have. I see so many new people coming into my Toastmasters clubs who want to be better at expressing themselves, better at describing their ideas, their goals, and their dreams. I see what Toastmasters can do in those lives and I know they have made the right decision by becoming a part of their club. After a few speeches they are generally not great orators, but the improvements are impressive... often nothing short of miraculous. This program we have joined works, if you work it. Funny how that can be said of so many things, isn’t it? I often think of this quote: “We should not judge people by their peak of excellence; but by the distance they have traveled from the point where they started.” I think Henry Ward Beecher was a Toastmaster at heart. We should never judge our members by where they are, but by the distance they have come in their Toastmasters journey. For many, especially if they are working the program, that distance from where they were to where they are is great indeed.

I am so proud to be a part of the journey of my fellow Toastmasters, watching them grow week to week, month to month. After all it’s all about personal growth. T. Harv Ecker was spot on when he said. “Isn’t it interesting how a plant seems like it’s either growing or dying? Just like a plant, you’re either growing or dying as well.” May I ask of you, are you growing or dying? It’s either one or the other. There is no middle ground. Toastmasters is the best way I know to stay engaged in growth. Like I always say, it’s a perfect way to ensure that you are more tomorrow than you are today. Are you making sure that you are growing, become more each day?

Have you paid your dues for the current period? You have until April 10th. If not, do you really want to give up the growth that is possible by working the Toastmaster program? Where else is there a program with such growth potential—all for less than the cost of a daily cup of coffee? Do you know others that could be growing, but are slowly dying in their professional or personal lives? Why not reach out and invite them to a meeting? Share what the program has done for you. Invite them to experience a meeting. Invite them to join. What better gift to give to a family member, friend or co-worker than an introduction into a program that really can cause growth, personally and professionally? Right now, Toastmasters is running the 1 + 1 Campaign. Check it out here on the District 84 website. It’s an easy and great way to help yourself, a friend and your club. Don’t wait. If you haven’t renewed, do so. If you haven’t invited a friend, do so. Don’t wait. Do it now. As Mark Twain said, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Let Toastmasters be the wind in your sails as you explore, dream and discover just how far you can travel on your journey of personal and professional growth.

Until next time...

Dennis E. Wooldridge
District 84 Governor

Monday, April 1, 2013

Area 73: Lake Toasters' Eric Anderson encourages Tavares Middle students to be confident

by Chris Patton, Public Information Officer, Lake County Schools, and Harry Fix, DTM, Division G Governor

Eric Anderson, President of Lake Toasters Toastmasters (Area 73, Division G), followed an invitation from Dorothy Mallona, a teacher at Tavares Middle, Lake County, to help the students of her seventh and eighth grade debate/speech class build self-confidence in their public speaking abilities. These students are also part of Lake Toasters Toastmasters Youth Leadership Program.

Eric Anderson, President of Lake Toasters Toastmasters Club
While Eric's high octane and motivational speaking skills helped relate to students, it was his experience in the military, as a decorated mounted marksman and as a contestant on the History Channel’s “Top Shot” (Season 2) reality show that grabbed their attention.

“He helped build up their confidence and realize nothing is beyond their reach,” Mallona said.

The former U.S. Marine Marksmanship Instructor engaged students by asking them to define attitude, success and limitations. He then talked to students about the importance of first impressions when giving a speech, being interviewed for a job or in many other situations in daily life.

“You’re not getting a second chance to make a first impression,” he said.

Anderson and his wife Sharyl own Xtreme Horsemanship, Inc., located in Webster, Sumter County. The mission of Xtreme Horsemanship is to assist horse and rider in becoming a better team. He is also a member of the Lake County Sheriff’s Office Mounted Posse and one of only two mounted police defensive tactics instructors in the state of Florida. He has led the Lake County Posse to two first place championships in mounted police obstacle competitions. He has been competing in the Police Olympics for five years and has received more than 25 medals, 14 of which are gold. Most recently he competed in the 2012 Mounted Police Olympics, where he received an overall gold medal and several other medals.

My Toastmasters Journey

By Barbara Kincade, DTM - Toastmasters at Twelve, Daytona Beach I never even heard about Toastmasters until I took the Dale Carnegie...