Wednesday, December 12, 2012

International President John Lau talks about the future of Toastmasters at Fall Conference, “The Orient Express.”

by Paul Peterzell, District 84 Reporters Chair

John Lau, DTM
2012-13 International President
The Fall Conference for District 84 held November 9-11 was a great success thanks in large part to our International President, John Lau. He served as Keynote Speaker and conducted some educational sessions.

President Lau is a successful businessman in Malaysia where he is C.E.O. of a business specializing in Human Capital Management. He holds several advanced degrees including a Ph.D. in Marketing. In addition to his educational achievements, he was recently knighted by the Malaysian government.

The following is a synopsis of his question and answer session on his vision for Toastmasters as he has begun his new term.

When asked how to increase our membership, President Lau feels we need to have attractive educational programs. “The two key priorities are how to engage our membership and how our members can spend more time with the program. Additionally, we need to maximize the use of technology for the benefit of membership”, stated President Lau. In fact, President Lau sees how technology will change the way we conduct meetings. A future that includes the use of smart phones and tablets as a tool for speeches and evaluations.

Another questions was asked about the program attracting younger members. “We need to inspire the younger generation interested in Toastmasters. They need to polish the words they use,” according to President Lau. He went on to say that the younger generation needs to treasure their need for face to face communication, especially in a world dominated by reliance on twitter and facebook.

Another area that was addressed was the change in the slogan to “Where leaders are made.” When asked about how he feels about our new slogan, he replied, “Good communicators become good leaders. You have to master communication to develop solid leadership skills.” The program is not only helping to strengthen speaking skills, but President Lau feels that we have an opportunity for improving our leadership skills through the many leadership opportunities at the club and district level.

Everyone seemed so grateful for the insights that President John Lau provided at the conference. Those who had the chance to interact with President Lau felt privileged. The overall experience of the conference was greatly enhanced by his visit. We hope that President Lau will come visit our district again in the near future.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Reflections on the Fall Conference

by Paul Peterzell, District 84 Reporters Chair

Paul Peterzell
There is a certain feeling one gets going to a District 84 Fall Conference. Maybe its a mixture of anticipation for seeing friends you haven’t seen in a while along with the jubilant feeling of being among a large group of Toastmasters who all relish the Toastmaster experience.

This was my second conference and they get better each time. Friday night was the costume contest. It was fun seeing the creativity come out in so many Toastmasters adorned in oriental themed costumes. The Evaluation contest Friday night proved to be a “nail biter” as I watched eight very talented evaluators compete for best evaluation. Probably the most amazing part of the conference was seeing John Lau, our International President deliver a keynote address articulating his beliefs about how Toastmasters contributes so much to our self growth. Meeting President Lau and interacting with him was such a treat. He was funny, offered many anecdotes about his Toastmaster experience and gave advice to our members about enhancing the many programs we offer.

Being among people that are interested in self growth made me feel proud to be a Toastmaster. Not only did I pick up ideas that I can bring back to my home club, but I learned about areas of the program that I were somewhat unfamiliar. I discovered new ways we can attract new members and ways to improve my speeches.

During the DTM walk on Saturday night I witnessed many fellow Toastmasters as they were celebrating their recent DTM achievements and were recognized for accomplishing this great feat. The camaraderie alone was a great reason for me to spend my time at the conference. “It felt like being at a family reunion,” as expressed by Wayne Parker-Blackburn, who is President of the Florida Blue Cross club in Jacksonville and delivered the inspirational message Saturday night. There was something magical about being among over 250 fellow Toastmasters and sharing ideas, success stories and challenges.

The roasting of past District Governor Jim MIller was comical to say the least. I enjoyed the various contributions by the district leadership. Those who worked with Jim expressed their gratitude for being able to work with him last term.

Probably my best memories will be seeing two top rate contests and personally witnessing a fellow member in my home club with 3rd place in the Humorous Speech Contest. Tito Vazquez placed 3rd in the Humorous Speech Contest and he is a fellow member of OMNI Toastmasters and serves as V.P. of Education.

I left the conference with a feeling of increased passion for an organization that has meant so much to me and made a difference in my life. The conference experience is something that I never realized would impact me this much. I will be counting the days until the next conference that will be held in May 2013 in Orlando. I encourage anyone who has never attended a District 84 conference to think about attending.

Monday, November 12, 2012

The District's Outstanding Toastmasters

by Jim Miller, DTM, Immediate Past District Governor

Last Toastmasters Year, I had the honor not only of serving each of you as District 48 Governor, but especially of working with such an incredible team of leaders. It's especially gratifying to watch folks grow in their leadership capabilities and qualities. The new Toastmasters tag line, "Where Leaders Are Made" absolutely fits our organization. This year at the Fall Conference, it was my privilege to recognize a few of the many that really stood out in their service to our district. Each year, we recognize an Area Governor, a Division Governor, and a Toastmaster of the Year for service above and beyond the leadership that we come to expect.

Patricia Heiss
Our Area Governor of the Year for Toastmasters year 2011-2012 is from Toast of St. Johns County Club and San Sebastian Toastmasters. She is President's Distinguished Area 62 Governor, Distinguished Toastmaster Patricia Heiss. Not only did Patsy lead an outstanding Area, she did so in a manner that always exemplified a can-do and a will-do attitude. If it needed to be done, Patsy was always ready with a smile and a capability that always put me at ease. If Patsy was in charge, it would be done and done right!

Lisa Franklin
Division Governor of the Year goes to Select Distinguished Division E Governor, Distinguished Toastmaster Lisa Franklin. Lisa is a member of Tip Top Toastmasters, 19th Hole Toastmasters, and Oscar Toastmasters. Lisa is among the easiest, most competent, and nicest people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. It was such a pleasure to work with her, and to know that whatever the task, it was in good hands. Her dedication is second to none.

Mary Carol Holbert
Distinguished Toastmaster Mary Carol Holbert of Omni Toastmasters served as our Public Relations Officer last year, and is our Toastmaster of the Year. As PRO, Mary Carol was in charge of our communications internal and external to District 84. Whether it was emails to the membership, SunTalker newsletter articles and coordination, website coordination, Mary Carol had it all playing like a symphony. She was responsible for taking us into the wonderful world of social media, including Facebook, Linked In, YouTube, Twitter, and Meetup. Whatever she undertook, she did so with class, competence, and creativity. Mary Carol was an important part of every decision affecting the District. She is indeed a leader's leader.

Donna Lazarek
George Kostopoulos
We had a new award this year; one that we hadn't planned on, but sometimes someone just steps up. This year, that someone was actually a husband and wife team. Our Sergeant-at-Arms, Donna Lazarek, ACB and our Audio/video Director, George Kostopoulos, ACB of Oviedo Toastmasters are the District 84 "Dynamic Duo" of the Year. If you attended a Conference or Toastmasters Leadership Institute in Orlando, you saw them everywhere. They integrated technology into presentation in a way that our District has never had before. All this was done while they were busing visiting clubs all around the District (George was Club Ambassador of the Year). It is such a joy (and a relief) to have such hard working and talented people working at the heart of the District.

If you see any of these five individuals around the District this year (and you probably will), be sure to congratulate them and thank them for their extraordinary service. They are the proof the Toastmasters is Where Leaders Are Made.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Harris Toastmasters Talk Trophies at the Area Contest!

Harris Toastmasters clubs made a clean sweep at the Area 23 Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contests, with competitors from three Harris clubs taking home the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place trophies, marking the first time that all of the winners came from Harris sponsored clubs!

Sylvia Navarro, representing the "Harris Toastmasters" Club at Rodes, took 1st place for both Speech Evaluation and Humorous Speech Contests. Eric Barnhart, representing the "Harris Speak EZ" Club at Wickham, took 2nd place for both Speech Evaluation and Humorous Speech Contests. Pedro Morales, representing the "Assured Communicators" Club at Corporate Headquarters, took 3rd place for the Humorous Speech Contest. Larry Baumann, representing the "Harris Speak EZ" Club at Wickham, took 3rd place for the Evaluation Contest.

Sylvia will move on to compete against the winners of the other five areas in both categories at the Division B Contest on Saturday, October 20th. The Division Winners meet in the finals at the Toastmasters Fall Conference, November 9-11, in Lake Mary.

Harris Corporation was honored last year by Toastmasters International for providing over fifty years of support to the organization and sponsoring five Harris clubs here in Florida. Besides the three already mentioned, there are also clubs at the Malabar and Palm Bay campuses. Through its member clubs, Toastmaster International helps men and women learn the arts of speaking, listening and thinking – vital skills that promote self-actualization, enhance leadership potential, foster human understanding and contribute to the betterment of mankind.

Congratulations Sylvia, Eric, Pedro, and Larry for your outstanding achievements and for showcasing the true meaning of the Harris brand “Assured Communications!”

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

MEET DELONA ASHBY, Area 32 Governor

by Paul Peterzell, District 84 Reporter’s Chair

When it comes to setting an example of what one can accomplish in Toastmasters , Delona Ashby comes to mind.

Delona Ashby
“I joined Toastmasters in the late 80’s when my kids were young and I worked as a Social Worker,” Delona stated. She had the opportunity one year ago to come back and she has become very involved due to a passion for helping others and leading. She is currently a member of two clubs, “Leaders in Communication” and “ “Let’s talk Toastmasters.” In addition to helping both of these clubs as V.P. of Education, Delona was appointed Area 32 Governor this past July.

“It’s an overseer position where you step in and immediately help,” Delona commented about her new position. She has five clubs under her responsibility and she is quick to lend a hand. When asked what it takes to be successful as a new Area Governor, she stated, “You know your clubs and know what their needs are and be willing to assist. I point them in the right direction.”

Currently Delona is an ACB (Advanced Communicator Bronze and ALB (Advanced Leader Bronze) and it is her personal goal to become a DTM within two years. “Toastmasters is an excellent way to advance anyone’s life forward. It’s not only a great leadership opportunity, but a great place to relax and meet friends. Something more to add to your life.”

A recent highlight of Delona’s Toastmasters experience was attending the International Convention in Orlando. She volunteered as Sergeant at Arms and was able to hear Keynote speaker John Maxwell. “He was phenomenal and down to Earth. He tells raw truth,” Delona claims in her reaction to his speech.

Delona Ashby is a great example of all the opportunities that District 84 affords those willing to serve. She has proven to be a steadfast leader devoted to helping clubs grow. It has been worth all the effort, according to Delona.

Friday, September 28, 2012

From Toastmaster to Mediator: Joe Flanagan serves as role model

by Paul Peterzell, District 84 Reporter’s Chair

Shown above Joe Flanagan (black shirt)
with his fellow Suwannee River Toastmasters
Many people join Toastmasters for a variety of reasons. Sometimes to overcome “stage fright” while speaking in front of people, others join to improve leadership skills and enjoy helping their club succeed. Joe Flanagan used his Toastmasters experience to help him develop what would become a passion: becoming a mediator.

“I work with the Suwannee River Water Management District, and along with two friends decided to start a Toastmasters club. I joined because I wanted to develop communication and leadership skills,” Joe said. After 33 years with the Water Management District I was invited to a formal group called “Association of Mediators”. Mediation is used to help resolve disputes between two or more parties. Joe learned about becoming a mediator through Toastmasters. I was given the opportunity to further strengthen my communication skills through being a mediator, skills I learned at Toastmasters.” Joe exclaimed. One of Joe’s greatest experiences has been being a guest speaker at the North Central Florida Mediation Society, and Toastmasters certainly helped him speak with poise and confidence. Since being a Mediator, Joe has spoken to Lake City Chamber of Commerce and given presentations on leadership development skills. He has given these presentations to young people, people from different walks of life. “I have definitely acquired better presentation skills due to Toastmasters,” stated Joe.

Becoming very involved in his home Toastmasters club (Suwannee River Toastmasters) has also been important to Joe. He has participated in various Toastmaster speaking contests and has made it to 2nd round in Tallahassee. While serving at his club, Joe has held various offices including V.P. of Membership, V.P. of Public Relations and Seargent at Arms. He currently serves as V.P. of Education. Joe Flanagan believes in what Toastmasters can do to broaden one’s horizons. He believes in the value of the organization.

District 84 salutes Joe Flanagan for putting his Toastmaster Skills to good use and helping others improve communication .

Monday, September 10, 2012

Smile and Enjoy It: Bob Wellington - Beaches Club Humorous Speech Winner

by Jaime Campbell, Area 61 Governor

Bob Wellington, ACB
Beaches Area Toastmasters
Bob Wellington is no amateur when it comes to competing. He has participated in many speech contests. What makes this speech contest different? This speech contest he is speaking about something near and dear to his heart - stuttering. And to add intrigue, he will approach it from a humorous point of view. He is daring people to see the humorous side of stuttering.

Bob has stuttered his entire life. He has learned to “not allow himself to stutter” early in his life. I was given the honor of interviewing Bob about his speech.

JC: I know stuttering is not something you have every laughed at. What made you decide to write a humorous speech about it?

BW: At the NSA (National Stuttering Association) Conference every year, there is a group of people who attend an “open mic night at a local comedy club”. The people who perform are funny but in the typical way. Also, humor is not something that is discussed at the NSA conference. The conference is 4 days and offers over 30 educational sessions but not one from a humorous point of view. I am hoping to open the door, and let people know that it is okay to laugh sometimes.

JC: Will you perform this speech at the NSA Conference?

BW: I don’t know. I have talked to some of the other executive board members and we will see. I know some people in the stuttering community will be upset and offended. They will say I am setting us back 10-20 years. Overall, the NSA sees how successful the “open mic night” is at the NSA Conference and they are looking to integrate humor into their workshops.

JC: You are going to be on the Board of Directors for the NSA this year. How has Toastmasters helped prepare you for this role?

BW: Toastmasters has helped me to express myself more clearly and concisely. The leadership skills I have learned will also help me.

I learned so much about stuttering from Bob Wellington and encourage everyone to learn more about it. Good luck at the Area Contest!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Speakers Bureau Spotlight: Colette Butler

by Ellen Little, Public Relations Officer

Colette Butler
Spring Conference - 2012, I was “involved” in the planning and the conference in ways that I had never been before. And then another wonderful thing happened. I got to meet one of our powerful Toastmasters that is a part of the speakers bureau. She was just as energetic as she could be; anxiously waiting for the time when she would be on stage to perform. I was getting energized just being around her.

I didn't get a chance to “know” Colette very well in the limited time that we had together, but her message was loud and clear. Her true gifts were evident. Her love, gift and passion is SPEAKING and assisting fellow human beings, from every advantage and disadvantage.

After finding out more about Colette, (I have to be honest, I stalked her a little ) her extensive background in the field of homelessness, poverty, recovery, community service, and social service has allowed her to speak on economic empowerment, and saving, employment, living within one's means, motivation, enlightenment, and other areas of enrichment to prosper in life. Her knowledge of public speaking, business organization, and collaborative ventures has allowed her to assist many in activating new avenues for their enrichment and betterment. What a wonderful role model for all Humans! Not to mention a role model in Toastmasters; giving back is truly one of the gifts we give and receive.

Thankfully, I was appointed as the Public Relations Officer for District 84. I felt like this was a divine intervention, in getting me closer and more involved with individuals like Colette. After seeing her perform in her first District Conference International Speech Contest, I knew this was someone that I needed to get to know better.

I was intrigued about her televised talk show that she co-hosts in Jacksonville, FL. She wrote in her bio “I was selected as a co-host because they liked my posture, verbiage, confidence, and vocal variety. These are things that Toastmaster taught and helped me with”. I thought well, gee, she must have been in Toastmasters forever in order to obtain those skills, practice and obviously “knock it out of the park”, so to speak. As I read further in our correspondence, she replied to my offer of help,”I'm enjoying being a part of a distinguished and motivating organization, and I've had a privilege and honor to represent Toastmaster. My 1st year has been a GREAT success”.

First Year??!!?? First Year… really? Here is someone that knows what she wants. She went on to explain her accomplishments in just her first year of Toastmasters, and how it has affected her life and her business. Colette had a plan! One encounter with Colette and you'll know what a great role model she is for Toastmasters and her communities alike.

My goal this year is to really showcase our great speakers and role models throughout our organization; to provide access for great individuals like Colette to receive the wonderful gifts that Toastmasters provides; and to let the world know what Toastmasters can do for individuals, corporations and communities. If you are interested in meeting Colette, she is right there in Jacksonville, and is on all the social media channels for you to explore. Of course, you can always find her and many others on the Speakers Bureau Page. In the months to come I hope to showcase all the powerful individuals on the speakers bureau; if nothing else you'll get to know some really awesome people!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Club Ambassador Program Chair Interviews George Casey Jr.

by Donna Lazarek, CAP Chair 2012-2013

George Casey, Jr. & Donna Lazarek
On Saturday, July 28, 2012, at one month into the 2012-2013 Toastmaster year I took a few moments to talk to Ambassador George Casey Jr., of CSX Toastmasters at Southpoint, Club #1910515, and Area Governor for Area 10, Division A. George Casey Jr. is the current leader in the rankings for Ambassador of the Year in the District 84 Club Ambassador Program (CAP).

CAP Chair: Why are you interested in the Club Ambassador Program?

GC: I'm interested in what it offers. I've had a chance to visit about 20 clubs now (give or take) over the last couple years. It's something I've grown to love. It's added to my Toastmasters experience … but more than that I see it as an opportunity. When I go to a club I'm always promoting it. This is why I'm here, I'm here for the ambassador program. I'm amazed by the people who don't know about the ambassador program. I think it has really given our club the opportunity to grow…

CAP Chair: You've visited 5 clubs so far this year do you have any goals beyond just the Ambassador designation?

GC: In Jacksonville we have about 38-40 clubs. My initial goal is to go out and visit all the clubs in the Jacksonville area but beyond that I want to go out and visit some clubs in Orlando and the Gainesville area and possibly as far as Tallahassee and Miami. I'm looking forward to the challenge…

CAP Chair: What kind of benefits did you bring back to your club?

GC: A better understanding of what Toastmasters has to offer for one. It gave us a chance to get out of our club setting. …We get comfortable in our home setting. As our speeches go they're only going to be developed as much as the most developed member in that group but when you get outside of that group you get a whole array of speakers and talent levels that you can compete on.

…We were able to steal some ideas from other innovative clubs and bring those innovative ideas back to our club and it makes it more exciting because once you get into that mundane routine it gets boring, so it keeps it exciting.

CAP Chair: What is the funniest thing you've seen at another club?

GC: I can't recall anything funny but more fun. One of the membership drives I saw at one of the clubs was during football season and they incorporated that into the contest. You bring in one member to your club you get a point for that and your goal is to score as many points within the football theme.

CAP Chair: There is a new award this year in the Club Ambassador Program called the Embassy Award. The Embassy Awards are given to the club and area with the most ambassadors. Do you think your club is a contender to win that?

GC: Absolutely! I have a club in mind that is going to win it but beyond that I believe Area 10 is going to win it.

CAP Chair: You're saying Area 10 is going to win the Area Embassy award?

GC: Absolutely, that's my prediction.

Thank you Ambassador George Casey Jr. for taking the time to speak with me. It was a pleasure meeting with you and I wish you success in the Club Ambassador Program.

Club Ambassador's Torch

by Susan Shulz, ACS

Table Topics Torch
Werner Schulz joined Toastmasters in August of 2011, one month before his 83rd Birthday. He accompanied his wife Susan to Toastmasters meetings for over 16 years in NY and Florida. One evening while visiting the Advanced Toastmasters Club in Brevard County, he was asked to participate in table topics. DTM Pim Love asked Werner “Why haven't you ever joined Toastmasters?”. Werner's response indicated that no one ever asked him to join. Pim quickly provided him an application for membership before the end of that evenings meeting.

As Werner was not eligible to join the Advanced Communicators Club, Susan promptly signed him up to join Toast-Stars club 9269 when she began the new Membership year as VPM.

Werner continued to visit clubs in Division B and qualified as a Club Ambassador within weeks of becoming a Toastmaster.

Werner enjoys using his creativity for table topics. When visiting the Advanced Communicator club with his wife Susan the immediate past president, Werner volunteered to be the Table Topic master for the July meeting. Werner chose to capitalize on the Olympics theme, so he created an Olympic Torch using paper “flames” for the table topics participants to select their table topic. The first speaker Pim Love was asked to carry the torch in Melbourne, Florida and tell about the frog jumping contest at the Olympics.

Pim's response included reflections of a Toastmasters Club in Fellsmere, recalling the Frogs Leg Festival held each year in that town. Lot's of laughter followed as Pim continued her response. The next participant was a guest, who had never been to a Toastmasters meeting before. His topic was to share his thoughts about the Olympic event of turtle races. The guest provided lessons learned from the fable of the tortoise and the hare, that slow and steady wins the race. The guest did a superb job with table topics and was invited to visit several other local Toastmasters Clubs Division B to select a club to join.

Werner also treated his home club of Toast-Stars with a round of table topics using the Olympics Torch the following week including topics of Elephant duet figure skating competitions and Kangaroo tennis matches. These topics offered the participants an opportunity for some creative and humorous responses. Werner reminded everyone that Table Topics can be a wonderful way to exercise your quick thinking and creative imagination and have fun!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

It's a Diamond Jubilee

Tallahassee Toastmasters

Tallahassee Toastmasters 60th Anniversary
On Tuesday, August 7, 2012 Tallahassee Toastmasters will celebrate its Diamond Jubilee. For the past sixty years, people of Tallahassee in many different professions have been given the opportunity to improve their public speaking skills in a friendly environment. Although our celebration may not be as extravagant as the Diamond Jubilee celebration for the Queen, we promise you will be inspired if you attend. We anticipate a reunion of some of our club's charter members. The first President of Tallahassee Toastmasters, Dr. Robert Greenberg, will be our keynote speaker for the event.

The Tallahassee Toastmasters Club is the oldest Toastmasters club in Tallahassee and the second oldest club in the State of Florida. The club was chartered on August 7th, 1952. To give you some perspective, The Tallahassee Toastmasters Club was formed during the time the first diet soft drink was sold; the toy Mr. Potato Head was patented; and Cecil B. DeMille's “The Greatest Show on Earth” received the Best Picture nod.

The club's first officers were: Dr. Robert Greenberg (President), Dr. Robert E. Lee (VP), Lee A. Everhart (Deputy Governor), E.C. Allen (Treasurer), George Langford (Secretary), Karl Adams (Sgt- At-Arms). Other charter members were: Gene Berkowitz, Bert Boer, John Brown, Ed Dillon, Dr. Robert Ellman, Edwin Fleet, James Gwynn, Paul Hartsfield, Rodgers Heiss, Walter Kehoe, Bob Lauer, Frank Lewis, Larry Murry, Bob Rafnel, Salvador Ramos, Jim St. John, Paul Skelton, C.E. Taylor and B.B. White.

The Tallahassee Toastmasters Club was quickly adopted by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), who saw the organization as an opportunity to improve its workforce through personal development and affordable training. As such, the FDOT allowed the Tallahassee Toastmasters to use one of its meeting rooms for weekly meetings where the club holds its meeting every Tuesday at noon to this day.. Because the make-up of the club consisted largely of FDOT employees, for many years, it was known as the FDOT Toastmasters. However, The Tallahassee Toastmasters prides itself for the diverse group of members from a variety of professions and nationalities.

Noted past members are Akin Akinyeme, current Leon county commissioner; Dale Nute, Current Professor at Florida State University's Panama City Campus, and Winston Whigham (retired US Air Force).

At Tallahassee Toastmasters, we look forward to another 60 wonderful years!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Taking District 84 to the Next Level

by Patsy Heiss, ACG, District 84 Event Sponsor Chair

Patsy Heiss, ACG
Something happened at the Spring Sci Fi conference. I think it had to do with the provocative Star Trek line, “…to boldly go where no man has gone before.” (Trekkie purist, I know. I don't buy into the PC version.) But I digress…

Ever-striving to improve the caliber of education sessions and leadership training for its members, District 84 is embarking on an ambitious sponsorship program this year. No longer waiting until six weeks before the Fall and Spring conference to garner program ads and exhibitors, we are taking the offensive and actively seeking businesses to partner with us in our pursuit of excellence.

This year, we launch our first-ever Sponsorship Program for District 84. Our District is comprised of nearly 200 clubs with over 3700 members from Tallahassee to Jacksonville and south to Vero Beach. Our membership represents talented, enthusiastic and driven men and women passionate about improving themselves personally and professionally. Toastmasters International is the only organization “Where Leaders are Made,” dedicated solely to improving members' communication and leadership skills in a fun-filled and positive learning environment.

We have numerous opportunities for business to join us in our efforts to improve ourselves and the world around us. From conferences to training sessions, from contests to leadership workshops, and from the one area to the full district we offer a targeted market for businesses intent on reaching future leaders with something to say.

Join me in this endeavor as we reach across the district and develop successful partnerships that will be mutually beneficial to all.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Communication Across the Pond

by Eugene Kowalski, ACG, Area 44 Gov

Eugene Kowalski, Area 44 Governor
Would you spend $10,000.00 for a six day program to communicate more effectively?

The Spaniards in the Vaughan Systems program did. Vaughan Systems of Spain offers an English speaking program to Spaniards to improve English speaking and comprehension. This conversational English speaking program is offered to Spaniards who have already become somewhat proficient in speaking the English language. Fifteen Spaniards attended the English program!

Cindy, John and I spent most of the month of May in Spain, traveling as we observed the sights. We participated in two “Toastmasters like” English speaking program on steroids hosted and organized by Vaughan Systems. Prior to Toastmasters training, I would not have been as comfortable with this rigorous level of communication.

A challenge we encountered was that the Spaniards seemed skeptical that a group of Anglos would be willing to travel across the pond at their own expense to help them speak better English. The concept of why the Anglos would fly across the pond to help them was a foreign concept. More than once I explained it was fun and an honor to get to know my newly found new friends as well as understanding the Spanish culture from their perspective. We learned a lot of interesting facts about Spain from our Spanish friends. For example, most of the international tourist spent a lot of their vacations in the south of Spain; however the locals prefer the north of Spain for their holiday.

We participated in two different locations. One was El Rancho near Segovia, located about an hour north of Madrid. The other was the little town of Valdelavilla, located in a lush green valley about four hours north of Madrid.

We participated in the program from 9 am to 10 pm with a 1 1/2 hour break. The program consisted of one-on-one speaking with a Spaniard for 50 minutes, dinner table conversations consisting of two Anglos and two Spaniards and telephone conversations. There were also many varied creative fun speaking group exercises. The most challenging was helping Spaniards prepare for a ten minute speech presentation to be spoken in English.

The time passed faster than I would have imagined, primarily because of the very effective use of humor. My sense of enjoyment was heightened as I felt much more confident with my new found Toastmaster communication skills.

“A smile is the shortest distance between people” says comedian Mr. Victor Borge. Mr. Karl E. Righter, DTM, does a brilliant job explaining how humor can be used to foster better communication in his book “How To Win Your Audience with Bombproof Humor.” Our Master of Ceremonies Mr. Pete Brown, a theater major from Bretton Hall, College of the University of Leeds, helped us to implement humor in our working with the Spaniards. Humor is a great way to bond people. When humor is used effectively to have fun learning, people tend drop their defenses and are more receptive to learning new concepts and comprehend more information.

I watched Spaniards who were reluctant to speak English at our first meeting become better communicators, conversing more freely and effectively in six days largely due to the effective use of humor.

As a result of my Toastmaster training, I realized additional benefits making it easier and more enjoyable to meet and socialize with our new Spanish friends. I came to understand from the Spaniards how closely our cultures and people are linked! We could ask virtually any question to keep the conversations moving! Toastmasters had showed me the effective use of table topics. The topics were only limited to my imagination. Without Toastmaster training, I would not have been as comfortable asking questions in a way to keep a healthy conversation moving. One can learn many things by asking the right question!

I learned that many Spaniards were concerned about the same issues we Americans are such as the economy and unemployment. Unemployment among the Spanish college graduates is fifty percent. They were curious to discover their health care system would have to change to be somewhere between what the Spaniards have and what we have in the USA. The Spaniards were also curious about ideas we had that could make their economy work more efficiently.

We did not receive any compensation for our participation other than wonderful accommodations and an abundance of great food, compliments of our Spanish hosts. It was a satisfying experience as a Toastmaster to be able to help some Spaniards achieve more effective conversational English communications proficiency! More importantly I learned that, by crossing the pond, communication misunderstandings cannot be avoided and that Toastmasters effective communication skills are priceless.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Privilege to Serve

By Jim Miller, DTM, District Governor

Jim Miller, DTM
2011-12 District Governor
 The coming of the summer rains marks the end of one Toastmasters year and the beginning of another. We always look forward to a new beginning with the hope for better times ahead. For me, as my term as District Governor comes to a close, it's time to reflect on the incredible experience you the members of District 84 have given me. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you, and for the lessons learned along the way.

This past year our team of District leaders has done an incredible job and displayed a devotion to Toastmaster and to the membership that is absolutely incredible. Together we faced challenges that were a bit steeper than the norm, yet our team took to the task with the betterment of our district and our membership at heart. To all the area and division governors, to all the committee chairs, from my heart and on behalf of our membership, thank you so very much. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve with you.

This year, we substantially upgraded our audio / video capabilities with the addition of audio equipment and even a new set of LED stage lighting. George Kostopoulos of Oviedo Toastmasters served as our Audio / Video Coordinator (new position), and what an incredible job he did! Thank you George! All this while he took the time to visit sixty (60) clubs this year in the Club Ambassador program! Wow!

George's wife, Donna Lazarek served the district as our Sergeant-at-Arms. Donna was the key to having our rooms ready and functioning at the conferences, Toastmasters Leadership Institute, and our District Executive Committee meetings. That's a huge amount of effort for an unsung hero. Donna, we really really appreciate the work that you've done. By the way, Donna will be our new Club Ambassador Chair in the coming year.

Jack Hoyt served once again as our District Parliamentarian. You don't know how much you don't know until you're on the hot seat... Jack, thank you for keeping me and our meetings on track and in order. I learned so very much from you this year.

District Secretary Nga Nguyen is always spot on with all the administrative functions needed by the district, despite having a very busy career at Harris Corporation that demands so much time. Nga's mentor, back-up, and our Credentials Chair Judy Hayes is always there to guide, encourage, and to make sure that things go as they should. Thank you both for making life easy for us all.

Many of you know that our International Director, Dave Hollingshead is also a Vice President of Bank of America. Dave told me several times that a treasurer can make you or break you. He likes to say that "a good treasurer will keep you out of jail". I had no idea how fortunate I was when Luz Marte called me to tell me she wanted serve as District Treasurer. Certainly our committee chairs and governors all appreciate being reimbursed in a timely fashion, but unless you are a "senior" district officer you have no idea how important the office of treasurer is. Luz Marte has given us diligence, accuracy, and an inordinate amount of her time while serving the district with a smile and a perpetually positive attitude. In short, Luz is an incredibly good treasurer and a joy to be around. Thank you Luz, for making our year memorable and for keeping me "out of jail"!

Public relations has been an interest of mine for some time. I had an idea that the PRO (Public Relations Officer) should be the main coordinator of communication to the membership as well as the world outside our district. Mary Carol Holbert has given my idea life. In her former life, she was a tax attorney; there's nothing taxing about Mary Carol. Brilliant! Under her charge this year was our foray into "social media" (facebook, twitter, YouTube, etc.), the SunTalker news, the Speakers Bureau, the web site, and all those emails you receive with information from the district. She doesn't do this alone, of course; she coordinates a team of talented individuals to bring the message of the district to us all (not to mention the tireless hours she spends to make all our district events a success). What a job she has done! Thank you Mary Carol for bringing my vision to life and for going beyond. You've worked so well with not only myself, but with our two Lt Governors as well. You are an absolute delight to work with, and it's my privilege to call you my friend. We as a district are more than fortunate to have you as our incoming Lt. Governor Marketing! Success in the coming year!

Our Lt. Governor Marketing this year has been Dee Melvin. Dee brought tirelessness, organization, and a winning attitude to the position. You would be hard pressed to find someone as dedicated to the good of the membership and the district as Dee. Our challenges this year were, shall we say... more challenging than we've seen in a good long time. Dee though, is the model of perseverance. LGM (Lt. Governor Marketing) is charged with membership growth, membership retention, and club growth. We began the year with a well below average "members / clubs" ratio. We don't give much attention to that ratio, but it is really a strong indicator of the overall health of a district. We had far too many clubs that were on life support or were clubs on paper only (dead but still with us). I'm very proud to say that Dee has been the force to help us turn the corner. We are a much healthier district now than we were a year ago. Our "members / clubs" ratio is now above average. It takes a different mind set and district culture to produce the kind of health in a district that we would all like to see, and Dee is a huge factor in bringing that change to our district. Did I mention how easy she is to work with? I did not, but she sure is. She is my friend, and I don't have the words to express how much I appreciate her. Thank you, Dee! You're the best! You'll make a wonderful Lt. Governor Education & Training!

Speaking of LGET (Lt. Governor Education & Training), didn't we have a great on this year! Dennis Wooldridge is one of the most creative people I know. He brought innovation to club officer training that we haven't seen before. This is not "your father's" officer training! Dennis brought us the idea of "advanced" officer training, where experienced officers can go beyond the basics. He brought us discussion groups where we can learn from each other about subjects that are not covered "in the book". He's not finished yet, so stayed tuned and stay engaged at Toastmasters Learning Institute.

Did you attend the Spring Conference? Thank you Dennis! Our conferences just keep getting better, and that's saying a lot when they are already among the best in all of Toastmasters! I look forward to the coming year as Dennis steps up to take the leadership reins of the district as District Governor. Over the past year, the "trio" plus the PRO has worked together very closely in directing District 84. The vision has been our vision, and the effort has been a team effort. I don't know of a team that worked closer or got along better than we did, and I don't know of an individual better equipped to guide this district than Dennis Wooldridge. Thank you Dennis for an incredible year, for being my friend through the tough times and the good times, and for the opportunity to serve you as the district webmaster in the coming year. You are more than my friend, and I wish you all the success in the world.

To all the members of the district, I thank you again for the opportunity to serve you, and I look forward to continuing service to the district and to the wonderful learning opportunity that serving affords.

All the best,

Toastmasters Rebecca LaNasa crowned Ms. Florida Senior America 2012

by Patsy Heiss, ACG

Rebecca LaNasa
Ms. Florida Senior America
Zumba instructor and long-time Toastmaster Rebecca LaNasa is known in Area 62 for her enthusiasm, energy and sparkling personality, all of which made her a formidable contender in the recent Ms. Florida Senior America competition. LaNasa credits her Toastmasters training, though, as tipping the scales in her favor especially in the interview with judges.

"I give a great deal of credit to Toastmasters and the wonderful members of my club for helping me to put my best foot forward in the recent pageant," she said. "Toastmasters speaking projects have given me the ability to stand in front of an audience with confidence and poise. Evaluations helped me refine my answers to sample questions from fellow members. My successful five-minute personal interview with the pageant judges was made easier through my experiences during Table Topics in the club meetings. I definitely know Toastmasters experiences helped me win."

LaNasa, ACG, ALB, is a member of Coastmasters of Palm Coast. She first joined Toastmasters while living in Ft. Lauderdale 13 years ago. Soon after moving to Palm Coast she learned of the newly formed Coastmasters club. "I attended one of the first meetings and volunteered to become a mentor for the fledging club," she said.

"My platform is to encourage women (and everyone) to undertake a program of exercise to keep them flexible and healthy," she said. "It is never too late to start losing weight, getting your heart pumping harder and you will be amazed how much better you will feel! I was a late bloomer as far as exercise is concerned, but cannot live without it now!"

Public speaking also obviously is a passion for LaNasa, who is involved in the Youth Leadership Program being coordinated by fellow Coastmaster Valerie Clymer in Flagler County public schools. "I am…concerned about sharing the benefits of public speaking with young people." She said. "If they are able to communicate at a young age they will be many steps ahead of the pack in success."

The next stage of the contest will happen at Harrah's Casino in Atlantic City this October, where LaNasa will be in weeklong competition with ladies from throughout the nation for the title of Ms. Senior America.

Ms. Senior America is a non profit organization that salutes the accomplishments of women age 60 and over who have reached the "age of elegance."

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Palm Coast Resident Advances to Semifinals of the World’s Largest Speech Contest!

Press Release By Christine Langley (VPPR, Toastmasters on the Halifax)

Ronald "Mel" Melvin wins
District 84 International Speech Contest
Ronald Melvin rose above a pool of 800 Toastmasters participants Daytona Beach, Florida — Ronald (Mel) Melvin, of Palm Coast, FL, rose above more than 800 local participants to win District 84 level of Toastmasters International Speech Contest, representing Central and Northern Florida. Mel has qualified to advance to the semifinal rounds of the Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking, which will be held in Orlando, Florida, this August.

Mel, representing Toastmasters on the Halifax in Daytona Beach, surpassed fierce competition to win the hearts of the audience and judges alike with his speech, 'Common Ground.’ The speech touched on the theme of taking responsibility to create common ground with people who are different from you. When it comes to connecting with an audience, he said, “You need to capture and speak to the audience members’ hearts.”

Eighty-seven district-level winners from around the world advanced to the semifinal round after a six-month process of elimination through Club, Area, and District speech competitions. Their five-to-seven-minute speeches were judged on content, organization, gestures, and style.

“Toastmasters speech contests are a way to gain speaking experience and an opportunity for other Toastmasters to learn by observing proficient speakers,”says Melvin. “I am looking forward to meeting new people and speaking on a much larger stage in Orlando!”

Mel is an instructor at CMEL, a training facility teaching management skills to FAA personnel in Palm Coast, FL. He joined Toastmasters to become a better speaker and leader at work and in the community. Besides his membership at Toastmasters On The Halifax, Mel also belongs to two other Toastmasters Clubs: Coastmasters of Palm Coast, and the Accelerated Pacesetters.

The Toastmasters International Speech Contest is the world’s largest speech contest comprising 30,000 participants in 116 countries. It concludes at the organization’s 2012 International Convention, held Aug. 15-18, in Orlando, Florida, at Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek Resort. The semifinals take place Aug. 16, where nine finalists will emerge. The nine finalists will compete again two days later, on Aug. 18, for the title of Toastmasters World Champion of Public Speaking.

To learn more about Toastmasters’ 2012 International Convention, and obtain a complete schedule of events, including keynote presentations, skill-building seminars and international speech contests, visit

About District 84
District 84 is one of 87 districts, which comprises nearly 200 corporate and community clubs in Central and Northern Florida. To learn more about District 84 please visit:

About Toastmasters International
Toastmasters International is a nonprofit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of clubs. Founded in October 1924, the organization currently has more than 270,000 members in 13,000 clubs in 116 countries. Each week, Toastmasters helps more than a quarter million people of every ethnicity, education and profession build their competence in communication so they can gain the confidence to lead others. For information about local Toastmasters clubs, please visit

Friday, June 8, 2012

Eva Mae Brinson Takes First Place in Table Topics Competition at Spring Conference

by Paul Peterzell, DIstrict 84 Reporter’s Chair

L-R  Tony Salvagio, Eva Mae Brinson,
Dominique O'Connor
For 12 years as a Toastmaster, Eva Mae Brinson never thought she would get this far as a district level contestant in the Table Topics Competition. Eva gets good practice every week at her home club, Lockheed Martin Toastmasters. She has been a DTM since 2009, and she decided to compete because she was no longer a district officer. She originally joined Toastmasters in 2000. Eva Mae is no stranger to leadership in Toastmasters. She most recently served as Division E Governor, also was Area Governor for Area 53 two different times, and Fall Conference Chair in 2010. Eva Mae had some tough competition to get to the District contest. “Eric Butler and I competed against each other at the club level and he was a division champion previously. I was shocked when I beat him,” Eva Mae commented. When asked how she prepared for the District competition, she said, “My strategy was to buy time for the first 30 seconds. I repeat the table topics question, but this one was too long, so I filled in with things I know.” The question was “You are an Archaeologist on a dig in the year 2525 and find this object (a staple remover). What do you think it is and what do you think it was used for?” So Eva Mae started out with her usual humor and said “Let me Google it.” "It’s important to use humor”, Eva Mae stated. She went on to say “Humor is the attention getter. Humor is what people remember.” Eva Mae’s proudest moment was when she was announced as the winner and was presented with the trophy. She admitted that the competition was fierce and everyone did a great job. “I’m elated that I won,” Eva Mae said. For Table Topics, the top level of competition is the District Table Topics Speech Contest.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Honey, I Shrank the Conference Book!

Guests at the District 84 “Things to Come” Spring Conference probably noticed that the conference book shrank in size from previous years, going from an 81/2 x 11 inch format to a 6 x 9 inch format. However, the consensus was this was a change for good!

2012 Spring Conference Book Cover
The smaller books have two huge advantages for District 84 Conference Attendees. First, they are easier to carry around than the bigger books we have used in the past, making them a far more portable reference resource to keep handy throughout the event. Second, they allow the District to maintain a high quality, professional looking book at a price-point that doesn't break the bank. District 84 works very hard to keep the costs of attending District Conferences at a minimum, while delivering maximum value to our membership. The new, smaller conference book format delivers on all fronts!

Kudos to Dennis Wooldridge, DTM, Lt. Governor Education & Training and District 84 Governor-Elect for all his work pulling the Things to Come Conference Book together this year. Dennis was responsible for most of the graphic art (like that fabulous cover!) and page layout, which was no small task, particularly with everything else on his plate for the Spring Conference.

When asked to describe his experience compiling the book, Dennis laughs. “Other than mind-numbing?” In a more serious vein, he admits, “It took a solid week of work to get it ready to send to DiggyPod, our printer.”

However, he's quick to add that he had valuable help in his endeavors. “Jim Miller put together several pages for the book, which certainly took some of the pressure off me.”

Good thing for District 84 that our current LGET is not only multi-talented and apparently tireless; but also an unabashedly self-confessed SciFi Geek… the end product was out of this world!

This is the second year that we have used DiggyPod to print our books. Their production quality and turn around time was once again outstanding. Here's hoping this is the start of a beautiful friendship.

If you missed the conference, this year's “Things to Come” conference book was once again full colored, glossy-covered, and information-packed. The 56 pages included everything from welcoming remarks for our District and Conference leadership, to conference event location layouts, to Awards Recognition, to Conference Agendas. Ads were interspersed throughout the book, all in color.

“We always learn lessons, and already plan to make improvements for next year,” Dennis says. “Next year, we'll issue guidelines that should help advertisers understand how to design ads specifically for the smaller space.”

As we move forward, selling ads for future publications should become easier and easier. Clearly, potential advertisers will recognize we're selling space in a premium program: one that will undoubtedly become a permanent memento for most conference attendees.

This year's Things to Come Conference Book proves that some of the best things come in small packages!

It’s Not Easy Being Green

by Mary Carol Holbert, DTM

Christine Bryant &
Mary Carol Green Holbert
I have a whole new appreciation for actors who have to be made up for their roles in television, movies, and the theatre. I’ve always read about the time it takes for some people to be transformed into exotic characters, but now I have first-hand experience.

From the time we learned our District 84 2012 Fall conference theme would be SciFi, I knew I wanted to be an alien for the event. I had visions of some exotic, never-before-encountered species, and wanted to find an artist who could do face/body paint to transform me into such a creature. However, I didn’t realize how difficult it was to find someone to make that happen!

It turns out that you can easily find people who will do face-painting for events (parties, conferences, special events), but finding someone who will work with individual clients was much harder. I had combed the internet, and made numerous calls before I found one artist who, while unable to help me herself, was kind enough to refer another artist to me.

When Christine D. Bryant called to offer her make-up services, I was thrilled! Christine has been doing face and body painting for several years now, initially honing her craft at Disney before venturing out in her own business. (She also works in other mediums, creating drawings and paintings as well as body art.)

“I’ve never done an alien,” she said. “I’d love to create something for you!” With those words, the deal was made, and I had an artist to transform me into something out of this world.

The process was labor-intensive. Christine brought her box of artist’s colors, all specially made for applying to skin, and (thankfully!) soap and water soluble! She applied layer after layer of color: first teal, then a neon green, then another green – all blended together to highlight angles, bones, and facial features. Then, she drew and outlined spots, until I definitely looked more alien than human!

In some ways, the process reminded me of what happens in Toastmasters all the time, as we apply what we learn about the craft of public speaking to our speech projects. Each project is like another layer of paint, blending with the ones we’ve already laid as our foundation. We build upon a base, step by step, until our speaking skills are transformed, and we find ourselves changed. Happily, the new communication and leadership skills we gain won’t rinse off in the shower!

I have to agree with Kermit: it’s not easy being green! It took four and a half hours, and one very talented artist, to transform me into an exotic, white-spot-dappled, teal-green alien, but the end effect was worth every minute! I had a blast!

I enjoyed working with Christine – she’s fantastic! I found both the body-painting process and the end result fascinating!

Again, I can relate that experience to what we go through in Toastmasters. Granted, it takes a little longer than four and a half hours to transform ourselves into confident, inspiring public speakers and leaders, but if we enjoy our educational process, we’ll reach the next level soon enough! We can build our confidence with Toastmasters!

We can become more than we thought we could be, layer by layer, skill by skill. It simply takes desire, application, and time.

And if you feel the need to let your inner alien (or geisha, character, animal, monster, or fantastic creature) out, by all means, contact Christine! [Check out her work on facebook:]

Aliens, The Federation, Space Farers, & Courageous Floridians Converge in Lake Mary!

On May 18th, Toastmasters District 84 went Interstellar!

Vader's Angels - Kathy, Nancy & Jessica!
Aliens traveling from across the known and unknown galaxies crossed paths with representatives from The Federation and other humanoid space farers at the Westin Hotel in Lake Mary, Florida. As those gathered deliberated, ‘Things to Come' – a Toastmasters International District 84 Conference – broke out!

And what a Conference it was…

Guests were welcomed by Men in Black, where they were issued their IDs for the event. Who knew we had Alien, as well as Earth, names?? Way cool…

The lobby of the Westin Hotel was a hub of activity, as citizens of the universe mingled, met, and greeted one another. The Universal Translator worked perfectly – as might be expected from a Toastmasters event, communication was stellar! (Apologies to the four-footed canines passing through – their language was apparently not uploaded into our translator. Happily, there were no growls about the oversight.)

Conference attendees had plenty to see and do upon arrival. There were raffle tables on display beside the registration area, voting members were able to register at the credentials table, and down the hall there were exciting sponsorship tables to peruse. Aliens and Earthlings alike participated in a costume contest held in the lobby, which attracted attention from Toastmasters as well as a considerable crowd of non-(but perhaps potential!?)-Toastmasters passing through.

Yes, although it was only Friday afternoon, District 84 was well on its way to where no Toastmaster Conference had gone before! And there were many more “Things to Come”!

Our intrepid Conference Chair, Kathleen Kershaw, was a woman of many faces throughout the event, appearing at various times as Judy Jetson, Princess Leia, Trinity, Starfleet Science Officer Kathleen M. Kershaw, and as a “Logan's Run” character in a sequined eveningwear ‘toga'. Cher would be envious of the sheer quantity of costume changes Kathy managed to squeeze into 36 hours! However, even more impressive were her creativity, organization, and leadership skills, contributing to the unqualified success of the conference.

Our “Things to Come” opening video, written by Crawl Contest Winner Michael Burridge (Twilight Club), followed by Fred Moore magically materializing District 84 Governor Jim Miller and Conference Chair Kathleen “Trinity” Kershaw onstage, put everyone in high gear for the night's festivities. We cheered our clubs by Division via a crisp, military-like banner processional.

Aliens and Humanoids feasted together, before being treated to a thoroughly delightful Table Topics Speech Contest. Ellen Little served as Contest Chair, or perhaps she was a clone? From a planet of all Ellen Little look-alikes, our Contest Chair first entertained us, and then deftly led us through the evening, with help from Paula Summa, our Chief Judge, and all our functionaries.

(You can see our Table Topics Contestants perform on our District 84 YouTube Channel.) We all felt like winners, just watching the contest!

Next up, we had Galactic Magic with Fred Moore, who amazed and mystified even the most hardened Klingons and skeptical Vulcans in the audience. Blending humor and magic, our Key Note Speaker took us to infinity and beyond with his performance.

Then, it was time to announce the Table Topics Contest champions. Eva Mae Brinson won the evening, with second place going to Dominque O'Connor, and third place to Tony Salvagio.

Everyone adjourned to Quark's Bar, the Mos Eisley Cantina, and Ten Forward, where Intergalactic meeting, greeting, and mingling continued until the wee hours of the morning.

Saturday morning found Starfleet Academy in full swing, with Toastmasters choosing among 17 educational classes on offer. This conference placed an emphasis on adult educational training, encouraging attendee participation, specialized activities, and co-learning. Additionally, trainers were urged to offer some form of follow-up to session attendees.

Between classes and in free time, Toastmasters could stop by the Sponsor Tables, pick up 50/50 tickets, enter the raffle or bid in a ‘silent auction', or simply catch up with old and new friends.

We had an awards luncheon, where we recognized our member's educational accomplishments, Club Ambassadors, Things to Come contest winners, Club Officer Training awards, and multiple Club Membership contest winners. District 84 Toastmasters have much to be proud of! “Well done!” to everyone who earned an award!

Saturday afternoon was time for the District Council, and Toastmasters got very busy. We achieved the quorum necessary to conduct District Council business. Elections were held for Division Governors, Lt. Governor Marketing, Lt. Governor Education and Training, and District Governor to lead us through 2012-2013.

Those not involved with the District Council Meeting could attend special afternoon Starfleet Academy classes if they wished. However, any Toastmaster could attend the business meeting, even though only credentialed Council members were allowed to vote.

Saturday evening saw the entire Galactic Assembly decked out in their evening finery, and once again, District 84 Toastmasters cleaned up very, very well! We feasted, and then we really feasted!

International Speech Contest Master Jessica Guthrie was masterful as she guided us through the evening's main event. Leave no doubt, the District 84 2012 International Speech Contest was definitely ‘Out of this World! The brightest stars in our D84 Galaxy were in their element, electrifying the assembly with their performances.

(Those performances will soon be on our D84 YouTube platform. Watch for them – you won't want to miss these incredible speeches!)

Each conference, District 84 holds a very special event to recognize those Toastmasters who have earned “Distinguished Toastmaster” (DTM) status. That event is the DTM Walk. All the current DTMs line up in two parallel lines, and music starts to play. Each new DTM is awarded a medal from the District Governor, one at a time. Once having received that precious medal, the new DTM walks (with lots of stops for hugs, kisses, & well-wishes) down the District's most distinguished aisle. It's a walk every Toastmasters can and should take one day!

The DTM Walk was followed by the Installation of Officers, presided over by our Immediate Past District 84 Governor, Scott Hoehn. First, our 2012-2013 Division Governors-Elect were installed. Those officers were: Division A Governor / Valerie Baham; Division B Governor / Cedric Ching; Division C Governor / Marjorie Benjamin; Division D Governor / Colette Clifton; Division E Governor / Tara Gilmore; Division F Governor / Larry Shivertaker / Division G Governor / Harry Fix; and Division H Governor / Louis Sloan.

The 2012-2013 District Trio were next installed: Lt. Governor Marketing-Elect Mary Carol Holbert; Lt. Governor Education & Training-Elect Dee Melvin; & District Governor-Elect Dennis Wooldridge. All new officers will assume their roles on July 1, 2012. Until that time, the current officers will continue to serve our D84 Galaxy – their year is not up yet!

Our outgoing District 84 Governor, Jim Miller, addressed the assembly for a final farewell (see his article above!), before introducing the District 84 Governor-Elect, Dennis Wooldridge.

Dennis spoke of how he had been influenced early on by two diverse visionaries: Gene Roddenberry, with his optimistic view of our future; and John Kennedy, with his belief in man's capacity to accomplish the impossible.

“They inspired me to walk a little longer, climb a little higher, and reach a little further.”

“In Toastmasters,” Dennis said, “The principles are the same. We set challenging goals for ourselves that cause us to dig down into those resources deep inside each of us, and reach beyond where we would otherwise go, as we head into the future.”

Paraphrasing from one of Kennedy's most famous speeches, our District Governor-Elect continued, “We choose to do these things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because these goals will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills; because these challenges are ones that we are willing to accept, ones we are unwilling to postpone, and ones which we intend to master.”

He held out a hand to the assembly. “Together, let us reach down inside, walk a little longer, climb a little higher, and reach a little further!”

District 84 Toastmasters responded enthusiastically, the entire galactic assembly primed for the true stars of the evening: the winners of the 2012 District 84 International Speech Contest!

Third Place went to Rodney Brown, and Mykal Kvenberg took Second Place, both accepting their trophies from District Governor Jim Miller to thunderous applause. The crowd began the traditional drumroll, as anticipation built. When Ronald (Mel) Melvin was proclaimed the 2012 District 84 International Speech Champion, the room roared its approval.

District 84's first Interstellar Conference a huge success, the only thing left to do was return to Quark's Bar, the Mos Eisley Cantina, and Ten Forward to celebrate! Delegates from across known space would spend one last night with their favorite aliens and earthlings (friends both old and new), and make plans to meet again for Spring 2013's “The Orient Express” Conference at the Lake Mary Marriott Hotel!

Did someone just say “All aboard!...” ?

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Lake County Toastmasters Making a Difference!

By Harry Fix & Cathie Catasus

The members of the Lake Toasters Club (990426) feel that it is important to use the skills that they have learned and honed in Toastmasters to give back to their community. One of the ways they do that is by being involved with the 4-H Tropicana Public Speaking Contest.
The program is an educational program aimed at teaching young people techniques of effective public speaking. It is coordinated and underwritten by the Tropicana Corporation and is delivered to schools, in our case through the Lake County 4-H Youth Development Program. The Tropicana/4-H Public Speaking contest is designed to give fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students experience in the preparation and delivery of a speech.

How does the Lake Toasters Club get involved? Each year members of the Club mentor students who are preparing for the contest. Other members serve as the judges for the contest.

This year the Golden Triangle Club (1152249) also participated by mentoring students and the Lake Harris of Leesburg Club (1336393) will be providing a judge for the County level contest. One of the goals of the Area Governor, Cathie Catasús, ACB, ALB, is to involve all of the Clubs of Area 73 in this wonderful endeavor.

“An important part of developing leadership skills is giving back to the community,” Cathie says. “The partnership we have established with our local 4-H Program affords us the opportunity to not only develop our leadership skills but mentor the young people in our community to become better communicators and perhaps even future Toastmasters.”

For the past three or four years Harry Fix has been a judge for the Tropicana Speech contest in Lake County. “Our Club meets in our County's Agricultural Center which houses the County's 4-H Program,” says Harry. “One year 4-H Youth Development Extension Agent contacted our Club and we've provided judges for the contest ever since.”

The Lake County Tropicana Speech contest is held in the Bob Norris Auditorium of the Lake County Agricultural Center. According to Harry, the auditorium is full of students, parents, and a few teachers. Most of the public elementary schools as well as a few private schools participate each year.

Harry's passion is evident when he speaks about his involvement with the program. “The energy and enthusiasm of the students is incredible. Each of these students has already won at their class level, their grade level, and then at their individual school level and are now competing at a county-wide level. The students are incredible not only in the delivery of their speeches but the crafting of them as well.

“Each speech is a minimum of two and a maximum of three minutes long with only a two second leeway. I could never imagine doing a speech in which I only had a two second leeway but these students do it and they do it amazingly well. Each year about a fourth of the way through the contest I'm mentally kicking myself. The students are all so good that it is extremely difficult to separate first, second, and third place winners.

“Because I actually work as an administrator for the school system I feel very proud not only to be a part of the contest, but also to know that I have had a part in helping these students in the daily work that I do as the Director of Planning for the School District of Lake County. This year I will not be participating as a judge so we can rotate other Toastmasters through and give them an opportunity to serve as a judge.

“I believe that all Toastmasters should clamor at a chance to help out in their local Tropicana Speech Contest. It is a perfect way for them to use their skills to help the youth of their community.”

Cathie Catasus talked a little about her own experiences. “I have judged it for the last 3-4 years as well,” she said. “I will be judging again this year too. I also had the opportunity to work with many of this year's contestants in a pre-contest workshop.

“About 15 students came in (during their spring break) and presented their speech in front of myself and a small audience at the venue where the contest is held. This was their chance to practice and also to receive feedback about their speech. I was able to give them pointers on how to improve their performance for the contest – imagine the opportunity to give 15 speech evaluations!

“These students really are an inspiration to watch! They create their speech on any topic of their choosing – in past years I have heard speeches about fishing, why smoking is bad for you, Michael Jackson, musical theatre, cancer, sibling rivalry, making cupcakes and many more unique topics! As we all know, public speaking is a great skill to have and these kids are learning it at the perfect age. They are confident and do a great job every year. As a parent it really feels good to be able to help mold our future Toastmasters!”

If you are interested in involving your Club(s) in this educational program, please contact your local County 4-H organization leadership. For additional information about the Tropicana Speech Contests, you can visit the following link:

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Olivia Schofield, the 2011 European Champion of Public Speaking, Coming to District 84!

(She Will Present Educational Sessions to D84 Toastmasters On May 7th & 9th! Be There!)

Olivia Schofield
“Can you imagine having a speech impediment and ending up centre stage as a contestant in the world finals of a prestigious speaking competition and speaking in front of 2000 people in Las Vegas?”, asks Oliva Schofield, 2011 European Champion of Public Speaking. “That was me. My speech impediment had made me a thief, a failure and has given me a fabulous future.”

Save the evenings of May 7th and/or May 9th on your calendars! Olivia Schofield is visiting District 84. She will present educational sessions for any interested District 84 Toastmasters on those evenings.

On May 7th, 7:30pm, Olivia will present an educational session at Stetson University in the Lynn Business Center 1st Floor Auditorium. Address: 345 N. Woodland Blvd, Deland, FL.

On the evening of May 9th, the European Champion will present a second educational session. The final details are not available at this time, but will be communicated shortly to our membership.

It's said that “ Olivia shakes up your idea of self and inspires you to break through your boundaries to achieve more than you ever imagined!”

About Olivia

Olivia Schofield is a Londoner, living in Berlin. She studied dance and choreography at The London School of Contemporary Dance, and voice and stage at Arts Educational. Olivia however, had a speech impediment which hindered her stage career.

She retrained, and armed with a first-class honors degree in Communication and Linguistics, joined the BBC, behind the camera. Olivia went on to work for some of the great broadcasters in a variety of organizational and business roles: ITN, Granada Television, British Pathe and Ikono TV. In her role as Business Development Manager at ITN Source, one of the largest archive houses in Europe, Olivia looked after key accounts including ZDF, WDR and NDR. Still, 20 years after giving up dance, her anxiety for speaking had not lessened her passion for performing.

Toastmasters. The nurturing environment immediately appealed to her: a nurturing environment that would unlock her voice.

18 months after joining Toastmasters, Olivia went on to place first at the District level in the international speech competition. She competed in The World Championship of Public Speaking in Las Vegas in 2011 and out of 30,000 contestants; she placed as the top woman and the first District 59er ever to reach the finals.

Olivia says, “Giving a speech is just like creating a piece of choreography: it should have unexpected twists and turns that leave the audience inspired. It took me 25 years to find my voice and another 25 to realize I had something to say!”

My Toastmasters Journey

By Barbara Kincade, DTM - Toastmasters at Twelve, Daytona Beach I never even heard about Toastmasters until I took the Dale Carnegie...