Tuesday, April 10, 2012

An Electrifying JAX Kollege Of Kowledge

By Fred Haley and Linton McClain

The Jacksonville Division A and F Kollege of Knowledge is known for being entertaining, informative and inspirational. It enhanced that reputation on February 4th with the Spring 2012 edition.

The half-day event was held at a new location this term. Scheduling conflicts prevented us from using our perennial favorite site, Shands Towers. The dedicated members of JEA Toastmasters stepped up to offer their excellent training facilities in downtown Jacksonville. Phil Mattox, Aaron Curtis, Craig Smiley Bruce Warner and the team proved to be exceptional hosts, with members outside directing guests, and with staff and facilities inside meeting all our needs.

The theme was “WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS.” Graced with the presence of all three District leaders, all 160 guests were reminded that they are champions because of what they do. They inspire others to be better and to become champions by example.

We were reminded that we can apply what we learn in Toastmasters about becoming leaders. Linton McClain showed us our own potential when he related how he had taken his Toastmasters experiences to become a world-wide physical fitness coach. Pat Hoyt brought a teary-eyed crowd to its feet with her inspirational story about how a stutterer can find confidence and personal growth through the positive and supportive Toastmasters' learning environment.

The workshops brought new insights to the members. In addition to the recurrent officer training, a two-hour “advanced officer” training program was conducted by the District Trio. Other specialty sessions were offered on how to plan a contest, how to judge in a contest, how to compete effectively in a contest, and how to write a speech. To address current issues, training on how to migrate to FreeToastHost 2,0 was also given.

The closing session ended with the (mostly on-key) impromptu choir singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Lt. Governor of Education and Training Dennis Wooldridge and Program Chair David Langley.

Division Governors Linton McClain (A) and Fred Haley (F) extend our congratulations and gratitude to the Program Committee who planned and ran the event flawlessly: Chairman David Langley George Casey, Aaron Curtis, Bruce Warner, Patsy Heiss and Lori Bair, and the many volunteers who stepped in to assist.

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