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Vader's Angels - Kathy, Nancy & Jessica! |
And what a Conference it was…
Guests were welcomed by Men in Black, where they were issued their IDs for the event. Who knew we had Alien, as well as Earth, names?? Way cool…
The lobby of the Westin Hotel was a hub of activity, as citizens of the universe mingled, met, and greeted one another. The Universal Translator worked perfectly – as might be expected from a Toastmasters event, communication was stellar! (Apologies to the four-footed canines passing through – their language was apparently not uploaded into our translator. Happily, there were no growls about the oversight.)
Conference attendees had plenty to see and do upon arrival. There were raffle tables on display beside the registration area, voting members were able to register at the credentials table, and down the hall there were exciting sponsorship tables to peruse. Aliens and Earthlings alike participated in a costume contest held in the lobby, which attracted attention from Toastmasters as well as a considerable crowd of non-(but perhaps potential!?)-Toastmasters passing through.
Yes, although it was only Friday afternoon, District 84 was well on its way to where no Toastmaster Conference had gone before! And there were many more “Things to Come”!
Our intrepid Conference Chair, Kathleen Kershaw, was a woman of many faces throughout the event, appearing at various times as Judy Jetson, Princess Leia, Trinity, Starfleet Science Officer Kathleen M. Kershaw, and as a “Logan's Run” character in a sequined eveningwear ‘toga'. Cher would be envious of the sheer quantity of costume changes Kathy managed to squeeze into 36 hours! However, even more impressive were her creativity, organization, and leadership skills, contributing to the unqualified success of the conference.
Our “Things to Come” opening video, written by Crawl Contest Winner Michael Burridge (Twilight Club), followed by Fred Moore magically materializing District 84 Governor Jim Miller and Conference Chair Kathleen “Trinity” Kershaw onstage, put everyone in high gear for the night's festivities. We cheered our clubs by Division via a crisp, military-like banner processional.
Aliens and Humanoids feasted together, before being treated to a thoroughly delightful Table Topics Speech Contest. Ellen Little served as Contest Chair, or perhaps she was a clone? From a planet of all Ellen Little look-alikes, our Contest Chair first entertained us, and then deftly led us through the evening, with help from Paula Summa, our Chief Judge, and all our functionaries.
(You can see our Table Topics Contestants perform on our District 84 YouTube Channel.) We all felt like winners, just watching the contest!
Next up, we had Galactic Magic with Fred Moore, who amazed and mystified even the most hardened Klingons and skeptical Vulcans in the audience. Blending humor and magic, our Key Note Speaker took us to infinity and beyond with his performance.
Then, it was time to announce the Table Topics Contest champions. Eva Mae Brinson won the evening, with second place going to Dominque O'Connor, and third place to Tony Salvagio.
Everyone adjourned to Quark's Bar, the Mos Eisley Cantina, and Ten Forward, where Intergalactic meeting, greeting, and mingling continued until the wee hours of the morning.
Saturday morning found Starfleet Academy in full swing, with Toastmasters choosing among 17 educational classes on offer. This conference placed an emphasis on adult educational training, encouraging attendee participation, specialized activities, and co-learning. Additionally, trainers were urged to offer some form of follow-up to session attendees.
Between classes and in free time, Toastmasters could stop by the Sponsor Tables, pick up 50/50 tickets, enter the raffle or bid in a ‘silent auction', or simply catch up with old and new friends.
We had an awards luncheon, where we recognized our member's educational accomplishments, Club Ambassadors, Things to Come contest winners, Club Officer Training awards, and multiple Club Membership contest winners. District 84 Toastmasters have much to be proud of! “Well done!” to everyone who earned an award!
Saturday afternoon was time for the District Council, and Toastmasters got very busy. We achieved the quorum necessary to conduct District Council business. Elections were held for Division Governors, Lt. Governor Marketing, Lt. Governor Education and Training, and District Governor to lead us through 2012-2013.
Those not involved with the District Council Meeting could attend special afternoon Starfleet Academy classes if they wished. However, any Toastmaster could attend the business meeting, even though only credentialed Council members were allowed to vote.
Saturday evening saw the entire Galactic Assembly decked out in their evening finery, and once again, District 84 Toastmasters cleaned up very, very well! We feasted, and then we really feasted!
International Speech Contest Master Jessica Guthrie was masterful as she guided us through the evening's main event. Leave no doubt, the District 84 2012 International Speech Contest was definitely ‘Out of this World! The brightest stars in our D84 Galaxy were in their element, electrifying the assembly with their performances.
(Those performances will soon be on our D84 YouTube platform. Watch for them – you won't want to miss these incredible speeches!)
Each conference, District 84 holds a very special event to recognize those Toastmasters who have earned “Distinguished Toastmaster” (DTM) status. That event is the DTM Walk. All the current DTMs line up in two parallel lines, and music starts to play. Each new DTM is awarded a medal from the District Governor, one at a time. Once having received that precious medal, the new DTM walks (with lots of stops for hugs, kisses, & well-wishes) down the District's most distinguished aisle. It's a walk every Toastmasters can and should take one day!
The DTM Walk was followed by the Installation of Officers, presided over by our Immediate Past District 84 Governor, Scott Hoehn. First, our 2012-2013 Division Governors-Elect were installed. Those officers were: Division A Governor / Valerie Baham; Division B Governor / Cedric Ching; Division C Governor / Marjorie Benjamin; Division D Governor / Colette Clifton; Division E Governor / Tara Gilmore; Division F Governor / Larry Shivertaker / Division G Governor / Harry Fix; and Division H Governor / Louis Sloan.
The 2012-2013 District Trio were next installed: Lt. Governor Marketing-Elect Mary Carol Holbert; Lt. Governor Education & Training-Elect Dee Melvin; & District Governor-Elect Dennis Wooldridge. All new officers will assume their roles on July 1, 2012. Until that time, the current officers will continue to serve our D84 Galaxy – their year is not up yet!
Our outgoing District 84 Governor, Jim Miller, addressed the assembly for a final farewell (see his article above!), before introducing the District 84 Governor-Elect, Dennis Wooldridge.
Dennis spoke of how he had been influenced early on by two diverse visionaries: Gene Roddenberry, with his optimistic view of our future; and John Kennedy, with his belief in man's capacity to accomplish the impossible.
“They inspired me to walk a little longer, climb a little higher, and reach a little further.”
“In Toastmasters,” Dennis said, “The principles are the same. We set challenging goals for ourselves that cause us to dig down into those resources deep inside each of us, and reach beyond where we would otherwise go, as we head into the future.”
Paraphrasing from one of Kennedy's most famous speeches, our District Governor-Elect continued, “We choose to do these things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because these goals will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills; because these challenges are ones that we are willing to accept, ones we are unwilling to postpone, and ones which we intend to master.”
He held out a hand to the assembly. “Together, let us reach down inside, walk a little longer, climb a little higher, and reach a little further!”
District 84 Toastmasters responded enthusiastically, the entire galactic assembly primed for the true stars of the evening: the winners of the 2012 District 84 International Speech Contest!
Third Place went to Rodney Brown, and Mykal Kvenberg took Second Place, both accepting their trophies from District Governor Jim Miller to thunderous applause. The crowd began the traditional drumroll, as anticipation built. When Ronald (Mel) Melvin was proclaimed the 2012 District 84 International Speech Champion, the room roared its approval.
District 84's first Interstellar Conference a huge success, the only thing left to do was return to Quark's Bar, the Mos Eisley Cantina, and Ten Forward to celebrate! Delegates from across known space would spend one last night with their favorite aliens and earthlings (friends both old and new), and make plans to meet again for Spring 2013's “The Orient Express” Conference at the Lake Mary Marriott Hotel!
Did someone just say “All aboard!...” ?
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