Saturday, June 30, 2012

Privilege to Serve

By Jim Miller, DTM, District Governor

Jim Miller, DTM
2011-12 District Governor
 The coming of the summer rains marks the end of one Toastmasters year and the beginning of another. We always look forward to a new beginning with the hope for better times ahead. For me, as my term as District Governor comes to a close, it's time to reflect on the incredible experience you the members of District 84 have given me. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you, and for the lessons learned along the way.

This past year our team of District leaders has done an incredible job and displayed a devotion to Toastmaster and to the membership that is absolutely incredible. Together we faced challenges that were a bit steeper than the norm, yet our team took to the task with the betterment of our district and our membership at heart. To all the area and division governors, to all the committee chairs, from my heart and on behalf of our membership, thank you so very much. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve with you.

This year, we substantially upgraded our audio / video capabilities with the addition of audio equipment and even a new set of LED stage lighting. George Kostopoulos of Oviedo Toastmasters served as our Audio / Video Coordinator (new position), and what an incredible job he did! Thank you George! All this while he took the time to visit sixty (60) clubs this year in the Club Ambassador program! Wow!

George's wife, Donna Lazarek served the district as our Sergeant-at-Arms. Donna was the key to having our rooms ready and functioning at the conferences, Toastmasters Leadership Institute, and our District Executive Committee meetings. That's a huge amount of effort for an unsung hero. Donna, we really really appreciate the work that you've done. By the way, Donna will be our new Club Ambassador Chair in the coming year.

Jack Hoyt served once again as our District Parliamentarian. You don't know how much you don't know until you're on the hot seat... Jack, thank you for keeping me and our meetings on track and in order. I learned so very much from you this year.

District Secretary Nga Nguyen is always spot on with all the administrative functions needed by the district, despite having a very busy career at Harris Corporation that demands so much time. Nga's mentor, back-up, and our Credentials Chair Judy Hayes is always there to guide, encourage, and to make sure that things go as they should. Thank you both for making life easy for us all.

Many of you know that our International Director, Dave Hollingshead is also a Vice President of Bank of America. Dave told me several times that a treasurer can make you or break you. He likes to say that "a good treasurer will keep you out of jail". I had no idea how fortunate I was when Luz Marte called me to tell me she wanted serve as District Treasurer. Certainly our committee chairs and governors all appreciate being reimbursed in a timely fashion, but unless you are a "senior" district officer you have no idea how important the office of treasurer is. Luz Marte has given us diligence, accuracy, and an inordinate amount of her time while serving the district with a smile and a perpetually positive attitude. In short, Luz is an incredibly good treasurer and a joy to be around. Thank you Luz, for making our year memorable and for keeping me "out of jail"!

Public relations has been an interest of mine for some time. I had an idea that the PRO (Public Relations Officer) should be the main coordinator of communication to the membership as well as the world outside our district. Mary Carol Holbert has given my idea life. In her former life, she was a tax attorney; there's nothing taxing about Mary Carol. Brilliant! Under her charge this year was our foray into "social media" (facebook, twitter, YouTube, etc.), the SunTalker news, the Speakers Bureau, the web site, and all those emails you receive with information from the district. She doesn't do this alone, of course; she coordinates a team of talented individuals to bring the message of the district to us all (not to mention the tireless hours she spends to make all our district events a success). What a job she has done! Thank you Mary Carol for bringing my vision to life and for going beyond. You've worked so well with not only myself, but with our two Lt Governors as well. You are an absolute delight to work with, and it's my privilege to call you my friend. We as a district are more than fortunate to have you as our incoming Lt. Governor Marketing! Success in the coming year!

Our Lt. Governor Marketing this year has been Dee Melvin. Dee brought tirelessness, organization, and a winning attitude to the position. You would be hard pressed to find someone as dedicated to the good of the membership and the district as Dee. Our challenges this year were, shall we say... more challenging than we've seen in a good long time. Dee though, is the model of perseverance. LGM (Lt. Governor Marketing) is charged with membership growth, membership retention, and club growth. We began the year with a well below average "members / clubs" ratio. We don't give much attention to that ratio, but it is really a strong indicator of the overall health of a district. We had far too many clubs that were on life support or were clubs on paper only (dead but still with us). I'm very proud to say that Dee has been the force to help us turn the corner. We are a much healthier district now than we were a year ago. Our "members / clubs" ratio is now above average. It takes a different mind set and district culture to produce the kind of health in a district that we would all like to see, and Dee is a huge factor in bringing that change to our district. Did I mention how easy she is to work with? I did not, but she sure is. She is my friend, and I don't have the words to express how much I appreciate her. Thank you, Dee! You're the best! You'll make a wonderful Lt. Governor Education & Training!

Speaking of LGET (Lt. Governor Education & Training), didn't we have a great on this year! Dennis Wooldridge is one of the most creative people I know. He brought innovation to club officer training that we haven't seen before. This is not "your father's" officer training! Dennis brought us the idea of "advanced" officer training, where experienced officers can go beyond the basics. He brought us discussion groups where we can learn from each other about subjects that are not covered "in the book". He's not finished yet, so stayed tuned and stay engaged at Toastmasters Learning Institute.

Did you attend the Spring Conference? Thank you Dennis! Our conferences just keep getting better, and that's saying a lot when they are already among the best in all of Toastmasters! I look forward to the coming year as Dennis steps up to take the leadership reins of the district as District Governor. Over the past year, the "trio" plus the PRO has worked together very closely in directing District 84. The vision has been our vision, and the effort has been a team effort. I don't know of a team that worked closer or got along better than we did, and I don't know of an individual better equipped to guide this district than Dennis Wooldridge. Thank you Dennis for an incredible year, for being my friend through the tough times and the good times, and for the opportunity to serve you as the district webmaster in the coming year. You are more than my friend, and I wish you all the success in the world.

To all the members of the district, I thank you again for the opportunity to serve you, and I look forward to continuing service to the district and to the wonderful learning opportunity that serving affords.

All the best,

Toastmasters Rebecca LaNasa crowned Ms. Florida Senior America 2012

by Patsy Heiss, ACG

Rebecca LaNasa
Ms. Florida Senior America
Zumba instructor and long-time Toastmaster Rebecca LaNasa is known in Area 62 for her enthusiasm, energy and sparkling personality, all of which made her a formidable contender in the recent Ms. Florida Senior America competition. LaNasa credits her Toastmasters training, though, as tipping the scales in her favor especially in the interview with judges.

"I give a great deal of credit to Toastmasters and the wonderful members of my club for helping me to put my best foot forward in the recent pageant," she said. "Toastmasters speaking projects have given me the ability to stand in front of an audience with confidence and poise. Evaluations helped me refine my answers to sample questions from fellow members. My successful five-minute personal interview with the pageant judges was made easier through my experiences during Table Topics in the club meetings. I definitely know Toastmasters experiences helped me win."

LaNasa, ACG, ALB, is a member of Coastmasters of Palm Coast. She first joined Toastmasters while living in Ft. Lauderdale 13 years ago. Soon after moving to Palm Coast she learned of the newly formed Coastmasters club. "I attended one of the first meetings and volunteered to become a mentor for the fledging club," she said.

"My platform is to encourage women (and everyone) to undertake a program of exercise to keep them flexible and healthy," she said. "It is never too late to start losing weight, getting your heart pumping harder and you will be amazed how much better you will feel! I was a late bloomer as far as exercise is concerned, but cannot live without it now!"

Public speaking also obviously is a passion for LaNasa, who is involved in the Youth Leadership Program being coordinated by fellow Coastmaster Valerie Clymer in Flagler County public schools. "I am…concerned about sharing the benefits of public speaking with young people." She said. "If they are able to communicate at a young age they will be many steps ahead of the pack in success."

The next stage of the contest will happen at Harrah's Casino in Atlantic City this October, where LaNasa will be in weeklong competition with ladies from throughout the nation for the title of Ms. Senior America.

Ms. Senior America is a non profit organization that salutes the accomplishments of women age 60 and over who have reached the "age of elegance."

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Palm Coast Resident Advances to Semifinals of the World’s Largest Speech Contest!

Press Release By Christine Langley (VPPR, Toastmasters on the Halifax)

Ronald "Mel" Melvin wins
District 84 International Speech Contest
Ronald Melvin rose above a pool of 800 Toastmasters participants Daytona Beach, Florida — Ronald (Mel) Melvin, of Palm Coast, FL, rose above more than 800 local participants to win District 84 level of Toastmasters International Speech Contest, representing Central and Northern Florida. Mel has qualified to advance to the semifinal rounds of the Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking, which will be held in Orlando, Florida, this August.

Mel, representing Toastmasters on the Halifax in Daytona Beach, surpassed fierce competition to win the hearts of the audience and judges alike with his speech, 'Common Ground.’ The speech touched on the theme of taking responsibility to create common ground with people who are different from you. When it comes to connecting with an audience, he said, “You need to capture and speak to the audience members’ hearts.”

Eighty-seven district-level winners from around the world advanced to the semifinal round after a six-month process of elimination through Club, Area, and District speech competitions. Their five-to-seven-minute speeches were judged on content, organization, gestures, and style.

“Toastmasters speech contests are a way to gain speaking experience and an opportunity for other Toastmasters to learn by observing proficient speakers,”says Melvin. “I am looking forward to meeting new people and speaking on a much larger stage in Orlando!”

Mel is an instructor at CMEL, a training facility teaching management skills to FAA personnel in Palm Coast, FL. He joined Toastmasters to become a better speaker and leader at work and in the community. Besides his membership at Toastmasters On The Halifax, Mel also belongs to two other Toastmasters Clubs: Coastmasters of Palm Coast, and the Accelerated Pacesetters.

The Toastmasters International Speech Contest is the world’s largest speech contest comprising 30,000 participants in 116 countries. It concludes at the organization’s 2012 International Convention, held Aug. 15-18, in Orlando, Florida, at Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek Resort. The semifinals take place Aug. 16, where nine finalists will emerge. The nine finalists will compete again two days later, on Aug. 18, for the title of Toastmasters World Champion of Public Speaking.

To learn more about Toastmasters’ 2012 International Convention, and obtain a complete schedule of events, including keynote presentations, skill-building seminars and international speech contests, visit

About District 84
District 84 is one of 87 districts, which comprises nearly 200 corporate and community clubs in Central and Northern Florida. To learn more about District 84 please visit:

About Toastmasters International
Toastmasters International is a nonprofit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of clubs. Founded in October 1924, the organization currently has more than 270,000 members in 13,000 clubs in 116 countries. Each week, Toastmasters helps more than a quarter million people of every ethnicity, education and profession build their competence in communication so they can gain the confidence to lead others. For information about local Toastmasters clubs, please visit

Friday, June 8, 2012

Eva Mae Brinson Takes First Place in Table Topics Competition at Spring Conference

by Paul Peterzell, DIstrict 84 Reporter’s Chair

L-R  Tony Salvagio, Eva Mae Brinson,
Dominique O'Connor
For 12 years as a Toastmaster, Eva Mae Brinson never thought she would get this far as a district level contestant in the Table Topics Competition. Eva gets good practice every week at her home club, Lockheed Martin Toastmasters. She has been a DTM since 2009, and she decided to compete because she was no longer a district officer. She originally joined Toastmasters in 2000. Eva Mae is no stranger to leadership in Toastmasters. She most recently served as Division E Governor, also was Area Governor for Area 53 two different times, and Fall Conference Chair in 2010. Eva Mae had some tough competition to get to the District contest. “Eric Butler and I competed against each other at the club level and he was a division champion previously. I was shocked when I beat him,” Eva Mae commented. When asked how she prepared for the District competition, she said, “My strategy was to buy time for the first 30 seconds. I repeat the table topics question, but this one was too long, so I filled in with things I know.” The question was “You are an Archaeologist on a dig in the year 2525 and find this object (a staple remover). What do you think it is and what do you think it was used for?” So Eva Mae started out with her usual humor and said “Let me Google it.” "It’s important to use humor”, Eva Mae stated. She went on to say “Humor is the attention getter. Humor is what people remember.” Eva Mae’s proudest moment was when she was announced as the winner and was presented with the trophy. She admitted that the competition was fierce and everyone did a great job. “I’m elated that I won,” Eva Mae said. For Table Topics, the top level of competition is the District Table Topics Speech Contest.

My Toastmasters Journey

By Barbara Kincade, DTM - Toastmasters at Twelve, Daytona Beach I never even heard about Toastmasters until I took the Dale Carnegie...